Async Jobs

Process background tasks efficiently using message queues and notifications. Perfect for batch processing, image processing, and other async workloads.

Async Jobs UI

The boilerplate includes a complete async job processing system built with AWS SQS and SNS. This setup helps you easily implement background tasks in your SaaS application.

What's Included

The async jobs demo provides:

  • Job queue management with AWS SQS
  • Storing jobs in the database
  • Subscribing to events using AWS SNS

How It Works

  1. Job Creation
    • Jobs are created and stored in the database
    • Messages are automatically pushed to SQS queue
    • UI provides immediate feedback
  2. Queue Processing
    • SQS processes messages in batches
    • Up to 10 jobs processed every 5 seconds
    • Automatic retry handling for failed jobs
  3. Notifications
    • SNS topics triggered on job completion
    • Notifications stored in database

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See It in Action

Want to see it in action? Create an account and head over to the Async Jobs section of the dashboard right on this site.