Add multi-language support to your SaaS with built-in locale management and language switching.
The boilerplate includes internationalization support using @nuxtjs/i18n, making it easy to serve your application in multiple languages.
Note: The boilerplate comes with English and French pre-configured - just add your own languages and translations!
What's Included
The i18n setup provides:
- Pre-configured locale management
- Language switching component
Set up your locales in nuxt.config.ts
i18n: {
vueI18n: "./i18n.config.ts",
defaultLocale: "en",
strategy: "no_prefix",
locales: [
name: "English (US)",
code: "en",
language: "en-US",
name: "French",
code: "fr",
language: "fr",
Translation Messages
Define your translations in i18n.config.ts
export default defineI18nConfig(() => ({
legacy: false,
locale: "en",
messages: {
en: {
welcome: "Welcome to the dashboard!",
fr: {
welcome: "Bienvenue sur le tableau de bord !",
Language Switcher
The boilerplate includes a ready-to-use language switcher component:
<template #label>
{{ getCurrentLocaleName }}
<script setup lang="ts">
const { locale: currentLocale, locales, setLocale } = useI18n();
const getCurrentLocaleName = computed(() => {
return locales.value.find((l) => l.code === currentLocale.value)?.name;
Need Help?
- Check out the @nuxtjs/i18n documentation for advanced features
- Join our Discord Community for implementation support
See It in Action
Want to see it in action? Create an account and try switching languages using the language selector in the sidebar right on this site.